With the Jenny Everywhere Wiki imminently to return to us, furnished “The Decade Stone” and “On the Doings of the Decade Stone” with brand-new colour illustrations. Further discussion with A.B. confirmed their story for Auteur Vol. Two and an illustration for Vol. One.
16 FEBRUARY 2025
Published the long-delayed final strip of the Cupids ‘True History of Christmas’ continuity, as well as L.'s Six Years, now illustrated. Was in contact with C.M. and A.B. about Auteur prose, and D.D. about Auteur… something-else. A chat with T.V. yielded that they don't mind if I do the next batch of Cheshire House edits before looking over their SIGNET draft, which I have to say is a relief. L. completed their readthrough of the SoFP scripts.
15 FEBRUARY 2025
Made the “Questions” public. You could previously access the webpage via the raw URL, but only if you knew it was there! I wonder if anyone did. Also, there are now two active admin nomination discussions on Tardis Wiki, and I've added “Patchwork and Lace” to the webcomics section of the “Links” page! Exciting times. Now to get back into writing instead of procrastinating by editing this webpage, gardening, and all sorts of other things that are not my job as a writer and editor… Not only do I have to get back to the Cupids anniversary special, but I now owe three story-edits to The Cheshire House, and one to Thien Valdram for Arcbeatle Press! No, not telling you what they are, nosy-nosy.
14 FEBRUARY 2025
A very happy 6th anniversary to “The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids”! The anniversary special I was hoping to have finished by now isn't actually yet, but oh well. We'll get there. If worst comes to worst, March 30th, as the day our first actual story was released, is a pretty handy backup-anniversary.