Questions | Aristide Twain

Aristide Twain

Writer & Editor

Why did Doctor Cupida Hartnell go into her exile?
What did Sophie whisper in Jenny Nowhere's ear?
What did the Faceless Magician want?
Who was the Lord Gorbazaglaz in Ancient Atlantis?
What's the Deadline's story?
Where on Earth is Irving Scarper?
Why was the Shadow Spire revoked? Who by?
Who are the Lords Spiritual?
What was up with the telepathic quail?
What is the Enemy?
Why did Lord Nefarious explode?
What were Tish & Liv Marshall doing in the Void Gate Room?
Why did Doctor Drake really leave the Protectorate?
Who took over the Morning Star?
How did Auteur lose his skin?
Where is Madame Tarsa?
How many Four Godfather-Lieutenants were there?
What does Elias Altern want?
Just what is up with that 200-year-old woman on the banks of the Thames?
Who killed Horatio Topper?
Where is Camilla?
What truly happened to the Child-That-Was-Taken?
How did the God of Mysteries regain his name?
Where did Merlin's Apprentice come from, and what else has he wrought?
Whatever happened to Count Dracula?
Who opened the gates of the Sun?
Who taught Penny Anderson the Glyphs of the Greys?
Who is the Umbrella Man, and what is his cat?
What would the Bookwyrm's name teach us?
How many times did the Man in Grey change his wardrobe?
By whose agency was the Great Cosmic War declared?
What was the name of the Nameless Overlord?